The Skærgården Connemara Stud

The Skærgården Connemara Stud
The interest for the connemaraponies arose many years ago with an accidental meeting with a lovely connemara pony.
We got overwhelmed by the beautiful appearance, the strength and the charisma. The elegance and their good and mild temper convinced us that it was exactly this breed we should take a closer look at.
In the year of 2000 we bought our first connemarapony, and since then the amount of ponies has risen with several broodmares, stallions, youngsters and foals.
One of the most important priorities in our breeding is to test the ponies and their ridden qualities. All of our broodmares and stallions have been active in competitions or have been tested at different riding tests. This is a guarantee for high class breeding.
Furthermore, we have imported ponies from Sweden, France, Ireland and Germany to constantly improve our breedingmaterial.
Lately the stud has experienced a great deal of popularity, why we have exported ponies to Ireland, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, England, France, Holland, Czech Republic and Indonesia.
The stud have for the time being 5 broodmares and 2 stallions.
Follow us on Facebook under "Birgitte Gøtske" here are lot of other pictures, videos etc. and look on Wirtsmühle Delaney´s own page.

Our foundationmare Barholts Evita, Elitemare